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Re: 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago

Re: 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago2011-03-17T03:23:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago Re: 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago


Post count: 14413

Wow. That’s all I can say. The power of my brain is now scary.

This afternoon at work, I had to call someone for an explanation of the details of an insurance contract that I was having trouble understanding (because it was a little convoluted). As he was explaining it to me, I was actually listening and not thinking about what I was going to say next, what I was going to do next, about the fact that I had no clue what he was talking about, or how I was going to end the conversation.

Well, this time I actually understood what he was telling me, and when I hung up the phone, I was able to write it all in my report to the client and it made sense and I didn’t feel any trepidation that someone might read it and ask me questions that I wouldn’t be able to answer because I didn’t really know what I was talking about.

I have also noticed that I am better able to follow what I myself am saying. I used to kind of hear myself as this disembodied voice that I didn’t have complete control over. You know that old saying, “put brain in gear before running mouth”? Well, I think that was written just for me. Lately though, I know what I’m saying and I’m not having as many “what was I talking about?” moments. It’s great – I’m over the moon happy!

I hope things work out for you too.