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Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?

Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?2011-02-24T02:15:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other Why do people push an agenda on this website? Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?


Post count: 22

I’d like to know who started this discussion as well – here are some potential sources:

– we recently had to delete a member who was cross-posting his market research project in a number of places in the forum

– we recently took part in a Twitter chat that involved someone who accused us of being a pawn of the pharmaceutical companies (we’re not). This person is a rampant troll and seems hell bent on harassing our members.

– perhaps someone has experienced support/advice that is unwelcome to them.

In any case – I can delete this topic if it isn’t of value to anyone here. Let me know!

Do you feel that an agenda is being pushed at you?