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Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?

Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?2011-02-24T15:22:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other Why do people push an agenda on this website? Re: Why do people push an agenda on this website?


Post count: 546

I don’t see no other agenda but that of being a great place to learn . and trust me iam not the fastists ,still slowly it is coming along. so having saig that please keep sharing what you beleve to be the truth . that way if there is a error the it can be fixed and we all learn and win.

NOw getting off topic it is funny that our goverments can spend millons on killig people but when it comes to education on something as nessasary as education funding for peole with LD or adhd they seem to whant to stick there head in the sand and make like its all ok.WELL YOU HO in goverment throw some of that money to places and that would help places like you and me. WE could even go as for as to say no one was hurt or killed in these times of teaching or learning. and all human rights were upheld.

IN other words show us the MONEY. sorry for the rant. but sometimes it just feels good to let it out. thank- you all.