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Re: How do You Handle Complements?

Re: How do You Handle Complements?2011-02-26T15:38:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other How do You Handle Complements? Re: How do You Handle Complements?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

It takes a bit of getting used to. Especially when, as a child, any compliment you got from the other kids was inevitably followed by the rug-pull of their laughing at you and saying, “Yeah, right! I can’t believe you fell for that!”

For several years, I’ve often been complimented on my clothes. It’s even sweeter when it’s an outfit I designed & made myself. I’m still always pleasantly surprised, but it’s a habit now to smile and say, “Thank you”…occasionally followed by, “I made it myself.” Sometimes, those people even ask me to pose for a photo. So posing anywhere, anytime has also become a habit. Besides, I have to practise, in case I become famous someday.