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Re: Girls

Re: Girls2011-03-12T08:48:55+00:00

Post count: 14413

My Advice is Don’t date another ADHDer! Its usually a recipe for piss each other off!!! haha!

Date a chick who you think is Hot! but make sure she’s balanced! for Example if she’s not replying to your texts immediately its not cause she’s weird! its because she’s not unbalanced sitting in front of her Facebook for you to reply!

If she is… chances are she’s kind of ADD too, and that aint what you want!! so just be patient! Try to fight Insecurity! and eventually if you get to know her good enough you’ll understand her balanced yet, Still fun loving mind!

Just test your mood when your with her and make sure you feel comfortable around her! cause if not and you feel like your trying too hard to be balanced yourself.. (you never want to let fear govern your relationship) Then chances are she’s not the girl for you! Remember!!! Most of the time Balanced people really need our gifts in their life kind of like an equalizer!

So Just be yourself!