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Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?

Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?2011-03-31T01:07:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal? Re: I'm only usually late by 5 minutes…what's the big deal?


Post count: 14413

Trying to be an hour early just didn’t work for me. I “know” I’ve got plenty of time… end up dawdling or getting involved in something, “I just do this…” and then YIKES!! I’M GONNA BE LATE!

Planning to be 15 minutes early is just enough of a cushion that I can mentally stay focused and not side track too far. It has worked pretty well.