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Re: I *tried* to get a planner today…

Re: I *tried* to get a planner today…2011-03-16T15:33:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments I *tried* to get a planner today… Re: I *tried* to get a planner today…


Post count: 206

I bought a new wall mount calendar that you can change from month to month at Costco. I have about 30 calendars around the house for longer term planning but most things you only need month of. I use it to plan spending, pay cheques, kids appointments, dr and dentist appointments. Longer term stuff gets put on one of the calendars mounted in the kitchen.

Every month I transfer the things from the main calendar onto the one above the computer desk. That way when I am planning things I can look up and see what we have going on. It also have a place for notes so you can write things on it that you absolutely need to remember. I have two calendars in my purse but I usually just use those to stash a little emergency cash in, and if I need a calendar for looking up something while we are out. If I don’t remember to transfer anything from these onto the calendar above the desk or the one in the kitchen then it usually gets forgotten, or it is like a tooth ache. You know there is something you should remember.