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Re: Do you make up words by accident?

Re: Do you make up words by accident?2011-07-20T20:13:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Do you make up words by accident? Re: Do you make up words by accident?


Post count: 14413

I have a new one, generated yesterday. see you laughter – it’s a combination of “see you later” and “see you after”. I swear, I don’t make these up, they just come out. It could be that I start to say something and in the middle of saying it, realize it’s not right and try to correct it. I sure do feel fumble-mouthed when I do it and realize it.

My husband is coming to the realization that I cannot try to say am and pm in the same sentence, if I say 4 pm to 6 am, it will come out as 4 pm to 6 pm.