The Forums › Forums › Most X-treme! › Funny › Do you make up words by accident? › Re: Do you make up words by accident?
I do this at times. When Im tired. Or say things backwards like “Hair your brush now” instead of “Brush your hair now”… Most often I find myself forgetting such simple common words. Its very very embarrassing when you talking to someone and you completely forget a simple word like…. potential, or edema! Maybe they are not your average “simple” words… But I use them daily and for the life of me couldnt remember them! So im in conversation “Yeah so and so has….. uh….. um…. Sorry.. Ive just lost the word… DANG IT! Ummmmmm. I think it starts with E? Uh.. You know *at this point im panicking looking like a goon which makes it worse* that thing that happens… Like a foot getting bigger? You know? SHOOT! What is that word!!” other person “Edema’ “YES! yES thank you! So sorry!” Its bad enough as it is, this happens a lot! Or I just start talking away, and get too excited or get going too fast and totally mess up all my words and get frustrated and talk complete jibberish, give up and just go UGH!!!!