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Re: What Happened to the Site??

Re: What Happened to the Site??2012-01-13T18:32:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What Happened to the Site?? Re: What Happened to the Site??


Post count: 913

Google – use it to search this site only.

sleep site:totallyadd.com

for example, will get you anything on THIS SITE ONLY containing the word sleep.

If you want to focus on sleep disorders, you would type:

“sleep disorder” site:totallyadd.com

I use IE and Chrome, I used to use Opera and Firefox but they got so bloated, and FireFox is constantly having security issues – and patches constantly. IE is much better than it used to be, but is now better than Firefox , and Opera just is too weird lately. Chrome started out as a security disaster, but is really clean and fast lately.

I concentrate my thinking on browser security over other things because, well, frankly, that’s what I do……….. and it’s the number one way malware gets to a computer today.