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Re: Hollywood, please stop it with the 3D already

Re: Hollywood, please stop it with the 3D already2011-10-24T15:22:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Hollywood, please stop it with the 3D already Re: Hollywood, please stop it with the 3D already


Post count: 913

AMEN to the top two posts here!

3D because, frankly, when you are LEGALLY BLIND in one eye, 3D can’t possibly work! You have to have 2 good working eyes for 3D, otherwise it looks like CRAP.

The music in TV shows, especially near the end, is there to SELL records – it’s marketing.

I’ve found shows from ABC in this country have the worst most garbled and hard to understand dialog – everything else either drowns it out, or it’s muddy and unclear. The other networks are a lot easier to understand. However, it’s still impossible for someone with hearing loss that is in the RANGE OF THE HUMAN VOICE to get what they are saying when the danged music is cranked up so they can sell a few more records.

Note that besides all the Loud annoying music, they now tell you where to buy said music. Now is that in your face or what? They don’t even hide it any more. It’s not subliminal –

Add to all that stuff – ADHD, etc. – Meniere’s – and the camera spinning around. Yikes, I literally DO get dizzy and have to stop watching.

If they want tasteful fast action that’s easier for ADHD to follow, and Meniere’s sufferers to not get sick over, the folks who put the last Star Trek film together did a great job. It’s fast, constant action, movement, etc. – but I can follow it pretty easily!

Others should take note.