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Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med

Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med2011-07-11T06:52:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med


Post count: 529

sugar – Yeah, my internet addiction is bad too! I have been addicted for 10years. I dont want to lose it! The only things that stop me is the unlimited amount of music I can access at any time! There are so many things I can look up at any time which I love! Education is limitless… but so is time wasted! hahaha

Nellie – Now that you mention it, I too had that horrible overwhelming feeling! I used to get it from a sink full of dishes. I would get so overwhelmed. I would get home from work, need to cook dinner, dishes everywhere, I HATE cooking in a mess I refuse to, and a few here and there seemed like a huge tower and I just couldnt do it. I just never knew where to start. Should I scrub the pots first? Oh the counter is so messy! Ugh I need to unload the dishwasher first! aaaahhhh! hahaha You are right that overwhelming feeling is gone. I just get in there and do them (with my handy dandy gloves of course!)

Krazy – You sound EXACTLY like me before meds. My kids always take forever to get to the point, and if im on the PC I dont hear a word they say I just agree.. I got so good at it I wouldnt even notice I was agreeing or they were talking to me. The first day I took Dexedrine (back in jan-feb) I remember being on my PC… my daughter came up.. I could actually pull away, hear everything she said, understand what she meant, answer her and get back to whatever waste of time I was doing on the PC hahaha That was amazing to me. I could never do that before! I too felt horrible about not paying attention to them. Oh! Dont get me started about my husband as well! Sheesh! I can totally relate! But with him its all about cars, and how he fixed this and that and blah blah. Once again I got really good and just agreeing and kinda laughing when needed but had no clue what he was saying. Its the worst in the car driving. I like it quiet in the car, well besides music. Car time is my music/self-thinking time. All he does is talk and talk and talk and talk. I swear he never shuts up! Its always the same things over and over! hahaha But he is starting to learn that im not listening. He tests me. hahaha Meds have helped me remain calm with him and let him know I want quiet instead of just blowing up at him. Also helped me pay attention and actually listen and I am interested in what he has to say!

I think starting Monday im not going to take any meds for a week. Just to see. I think that will help me establish better goals too. Kinda find my roots again and work things out. Ive been on meds since Jan or Feb now non-stop. Well going from this drug to this one, then that one and on and on. It will be good! I will report how it goes!

Good night all you awesome ladies! Cant wait to hear from you all again! :) :D