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July 11, 2011 at 8:25 am #105427
AnonymousInactiveJuly 11, 2011 at 8:25 amPost count: 14413Hmmm. I don’t like those “are you listening” tests. Hubby pulls one on me from time to time, just to see if I really am listening – and, of course, I’m not π The kids are even learning….at least my daughter is….my ADHD son and I just talk about our own things and pretend we’re listening to each other lol π I think he’ll wisen up now he’s on meds
REPORT ABUSEI think I’m doomed π― Roll on September!! I cannot wait till my psych appointment – though I hope I am not disappointed. I wonder if my GP can prescribe Strattera (Amoxetine), seeing as it’s not a psychostimulant? I could try that in the meantime. I’ll have to do some research. It’s so hard not to try my son’s Ritalin, but I am determined to do this properly. It would just be my luck that I’d end up in hospital with heart palpitations or something and I’d have to admit to illegal use of stimulants. Oops, gotta go. Didn’t realise the time. The kids and I have to be out of the house in half an hour, my son is asleep on the sofa, and he needs to wake up, eat, get changed and take his Ritalin, and I have to get changed and pack for work…..eeeek!!
July 11, 2011 at 1:03 pm #105428what is vyvanse?
I’d like to know about alternatives should Staterra (sp) not work out.
I know – it’s only been 16 days and that’s no real test, but so far, little positive impact that _I_ notice.
The doc says NO STIMULANTS at my age ( he’s afraid of causing risk of heart issues)
In any case, I love to read these threads and learn – about the drugs, impact both positive and negative, alternatives, side effects, and it’s soothing to a degree to see so many (KrazyKat, for just one example) who are SO much like me in so many ways.
I no longer feel “weird”, like there’s something wrong with me, or I’m doing things on purpose.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2011 at 2:57 pm #105429Vyvanse is the long acting form of Dexedrine which is dextroamphetamine, a stimulant. Like I have said many times before, I have never really noticed a difference until I stopped taking the meds. Then I noticed. The meds were very subtle for me. Starting today actually I am taking a little vacation from them. Im going a week without to see the difference!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2011 at 4:20 pm #105430
AnonymousInactiveJuly 11, 2011 at 4:20 pmPost count: 14413Vyvanse is a slow release form of dextroamphetamine, so it’s a stimulant.
Strattera can take quite a while to build up in your system. I think I read that you need to give it a good 6 weeks before you rule it out as no good. If you don’t have any luck from the Strattera, then there are other non-stimulant drugs out there, or you could push for a full cardiac check up to see if your heart could handle stimulants – probably a stress test would be the type of thing that would show up any issues. I would be disappointed if a doctor told me no stimulants just to cover his own butt, without really checking into things further.
I agree that the threads are comforting. I always feel like I am coming home when I read about others here. It’s nice to be understood, to know I am not alone, and to meet other people who face the same issues I do. It has made me even more convinced that ADHD is the reason behind so many of my problems.
Hmmm. Just googled Strattera Australia to find out our prescribing rules, and found out there is no government assistance for it unless both stimulant varieties have been tried and discontinued due to side effects, or if the patient is on medications that cannot be taken with stimulants, or have a history of substance abuse, so it would be very expensive if I wanted to try it first, as I do not fall into any of those categories. BUT, when I was reading through the info, I found that Strattera (atomoxetine) increases heart rate and blood pressure just like the psychostimulants, and has many similar side effects….I copied a bit of it below…
“As with psychostimulants, atomoxetine increases blood pressure and heart rate and may cause loss of appetite. It may also cause drowsiness and dizziness….The pressor effects of atomoxetine, as well as a possible propensity to increase QTc interval, are of particular concern for individuals at increased cardiovascular risk. The long-term safety profile of atomoxetine is unknown.”
So, I wonder if your doc is aware of this billd?! From what I understand, you may as well be on stimulants as the cardiac risk seems no different. I hope you don’t have a cardiac history….
REPORT ABUSEJuly 12, 2011 at 5:46 am #105431
AnonymousInactiveJuly 12, 2011 at 5:46 amPost count: 14413billd: norephinephrine= noradrenaline. I’m in agreement with Krazykat about the cardiac workup. I would still give the med a bit more time before giving up on it completely. and it will also be helpful to have a full trial in your medical records for you to point at. If it eventually works, it would be nice to have something work 24/7. one thing stimulants cannot do. Have you ever looked at non-stimulant Tenex or Intuniv? (both guanfacine. one extended more expensive release.)
krazykat: desipramine is like poor man’s strattera. ie. super cheap. It is a similar drug which is mainly norephinephrine. Being an older TCA (tricyclic antidepressant) makes it a little more annoying side effect wise. I’ve heard of it as a substitute. No ADD studies for it because it is old and cheap.
hmm totally forgot what I came here to say………
my mom spaced out on me all the time growing up lol. I would get annoyed sometimes, but I never felt less loved. but then again, I always tend to bother people when they are busy…hmmmm. I would be talking about important things (to me at least) and she would bolt up and out of the room to write down some random thing she remembered to do. for me…a) chase mom down the hall b) wait c) nevermind. She always managed to stay on top of the details I did not want her to. She used to keep written records of who my friends were, their parents, where I knew them, numbers, and addresses >_< way to overcompensate, right? if she had a smart phone, she would probably weigh an extra 10lbs without all those trips down the hallway lol. my dad started calling her “dodo deemus” which is totally not cool and she didn’t even notice it was becoming an ingrained pattern. When I was living there after my car accident, I made my dad stop. a pet name gone bad. other than that a happy 39 years of marriage.
hmm again..what was I here to say… ???
(minutes of thinking)
ah yes..
when the med dies, it really dies.. sometimes I think it makes me more forgetful and scattered than natural when it dies.
anyhow, I have been interviewing the friends who talk to me the most on before/after med commentary. Like Carrie said, it is really subtle. apparently, I now talk in a way that makes sense. much less topic jumping. stories that are chronological and told in the right order. My friend told me that he has not had to piece together/translate stuff I say. consensus is that it does not speed me up (was a worry of mine). I am actually less anxious (although still an anxious person by nature). I can sit quietly. I can explain concepts to people without losing my train of thought and looking like I am confused. (still totally do lose the thought train, but apparently less so). really subtle however (or maybe for me because my ADD is on the mild side).
I went hiking yesterday and was able to stand still to listen to the wind in the trees and the birds chirping for minutes on end!
my doc wanted me to call her about my two weeks impression of the med. because not super awesome to give this to someone without the actual disorder. I’ve been going back and I or do I not have this?? My doc was amused and told me to stop thinking. so apparently it is official. I do have ADD.
I am way too tired with way too many thoughts to be posting on forums today.. ah well. and the med is long dead btw. in case that is not obvious.
carrie: in undergrad, I sat in hours upon hours long trances and downloaded music (the legal way of course
). Totally worth it as I discovered industrial music. I still download, but not nearly as much. is that you in your avatar? totally not me in mine lol.
oh and I think Vyvance is an excellent choice for one who doesn’t appreciate sympathetic nervous system annoyances and wants something smooth. there is a chance that it is less strong? I needed to take propranolol (beta block blood pressure med) for increased heart rate and tremors with the methyln ER. I haven’t really tried anything else nor do I know the specifics of the different stimulants and degrees of cardiac this statement is totally not medical advice.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 12, 2011 at 10:02 pm #105432
AnonymousInactiveJuly 12, 2011 at 10:02 pmPost count: 14413oh! just for FYI for those in the US who deal with the retarded 3rd party payer system. The drug company, Shire, offers a 50% savings on all co-pays for a year. I mailed them for a coupon before my psych appointment because I did my research and wanted to ask for Vyvance. I had also printed a coupon for Focalin XR (my second choice). This was a huge deal to me with co-pays of $150 (I actually have insurance!). Plus, even though I paid $75, the full $150 went towards my prescription deductible (which is an expensive crappy $500). Once I meet the $500 deductible, it is a preferred tier two drug with BCBS and it will cost $35 copay…and with the coupon only about $17 a month.
To look up your insurance coverage, go to this site:
and your insurance website of course.
thought I would add something helpful
REPORT ABUSEJuly 12, 2011 at 10:25 pm #105433
AnonymousInactiveJuly 12, 2011 at 10:25 pmPost count: 14413one more change I’ve noticed. so helpful to document this stuff!
I am chewing much less chewing gum! Maybe only a few sticks a day. Before the med when I was at home, I was probably chewing about 10-15 sticks. It was horrible for my stomach and jaw. It used to help me concentrate and was sort of a compulsive behavior. I am also less hungry, so hard to know if that is related?
REPORT ABUSEJuly 12, 2011 at 10:56 pm #105434
AnonymousInactiveJuly 12, 2011 at 10:56 pmPost count: 14413My son chews a lot of gum. I chew my lip, my nails, pencils….but I dislike gum. It tastes yuck too quick for my liking. I used to chew a lot of gum, but I just don’t like the taste of it once the initial burst of flavour has gone. I wish I did, because I think chewing would be better than some of my “fidget” activities.
Stimulants can suppress appetite, so the Vyvanse is more likely to be the reason you are not feeling as hungry. It sounds expensive, by the way (I know the pricing works differently here, but if one drug is more expensive than another there, then it would generally be here too). I hope my son’s slow release Ritalin doesn’t cost too much more than the fast acting stuff. Maybe I need to phone the chemist before I chat to the paediatrician, so I know the price of what my son might be prescribed. It may be the difference between choosing Ritalin SR over Concerta, which could be $16/month compared to >$65/month. I guess I can afford a bit of added expense with his meds, because if I end up being prescribed anything, it won’t be the expensive slow release stuff. It will have to be the short acting meds (which are cheaper) because of my shift work. It would make it much easier to work medication dosages around my night shifts. I can also apply for government assistance for my son, which may get him a health care card, to reduce the cost of his medication and medical care.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 18, 2011 at 12:26 am #105435
AnonymousInactiveJuly 18, 2011 at 12:26 amPost count: 14413a few more changes:
-I have actually been cleaning! When I first started taking it, I felt absolutely no difference in cleaning motivation. I am noticing a change in the last week or so. I have actually been doing a little self-motivated cleaning here and there! no all day cleaning project or anything, but a little here and there which never used to happen unless dire necessity (ie. out of underwear, silverwear, some sticky mess). I scrubbed the toilet yesterday which just didn’t seem like a huge deal. triumphant! I’ve been staring at it for a seriously long time filled with dread, procrastination, and self-discouragement. I took out my trash before it began to overfill and start dropping on the floor. Little by little I am confident that I am not going to live in a dirty mess and will not need to pay someone else to clean it for me. I do not need a meticulous clean home, but I do want to be able to invite people in without embarrassment and not lose stuff in piles. Nor feel a sense of dread and defeat looking at it all day.
-less compulsive computer time. I am noticing that while I still spend a lot of time on the computer, I have the ability to tear myself away.
-I’m still frustrated that I’m still scattered at work and struggling with time efficiency. I think I need to try getting more sleep and seeing whether that will help.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 18, 2011 at 7:47 am #105436
AnonymousInactiveJuly 18, 2011 at 7:47 amPost count: 14413Wow, it’s cool that you’re still noticing new, positive changes. I am happy for you
The sleep issue could well be causing your problems at work. I am terrible without sleep. I have even noticed a slight improvement in ADHD symptoms since starting my RLS meds, as I am getting better quality sleep. Still don’t sleep for long enough much of the time, but it’s an improvement regardless.
My son is doing well on his Ritalin. He says he really notices a difference, and we notice a positive difference in him too. His “stickability” is the biggest difference that we notice. He finishes what he starts now. He’s less distractable, and when you talk to him, he’s “there” rather than off with his thoughts. And all his positive personality traits have not been altered. He is already using his “new brain” to put tools into place to help his organisation. And hubby has been a really good help with it, as he is very organised for the most part. My son has really taken hubby’s tips on board and is making an effort to change some bad habits. His memory still sucks though – he keeps forgetting to take his tablet π
REPORT ABUSEJuly 18, 2011 at 3:33 pm #105437Hey sugar! Sorry havent been posting here in a while! (well this thread!) Yes thats me in the pic. Im not normally that colourful! I have my “cyber wig” on. A wig I made for raves π³ hahaha And I have some face paint on. I just dont like to take serious pics. I hate the whole “strike a pose! Fake a smile!” I used to take a million pics like that when I was younger… Well that was only 5-6 years ago hahaha Not so much anymore.
My Dexedrine is doing well. I just need to get my butt back in gear here. I found 15mg was way too much. 10mg is working great. I hate having to take pills twice a day again. I never remember the first time I take the first dose and Im not getting enough coverage in the day. It seems when I take the Dex around 2pm-3pm I have insomnia. Maybe this is because the med is still new in my system… Maybe it will be an ongoing thing. I know with Adderall XR I had insomnia the first couple weeks and then I was fine.
I know with the Adderall I got a “icky” feeling.. Not sure how to describe it… It killed my appetite, and the thought of food was just “bleh” I was sick of it. Done with veggies and healthy, and didnt want to eat fast food or grungy food because it made me feel worse, so often I wouldnt eat… Which made me feel 100% worse. I would get a headache and just feel gross until I forced myself to eat something even if I didnt want to and then I would feel great. I am overweight so I wasnt too worried but me being cranky and feeling gross wasnt any fun. Loss of appetite is to be expected with stimulants. With Dexedrine I dont feel as hungry as normal. Well its not that I was ever hungry (over eater here, LOVER of food!) I ate because I LOVE the tastes.. and bored, or stress. Mostly boredom did it for me. That constant antsy feeling (which I didnt realize before) made me have to do something… I would eat. Dexedrine, that impulse to eat is gone. I feel hungry a little bit, still dont feel like eating… Anorexia it seems to be..
Etymology: Gk, a + orexis, not appetite – “a lack or loss of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat. The condition may result from poorly prepared or unattractive food or surroundings” For me.. Honestly Im just so sick of food. The meds have killed my appetite. Im tired of fruits, veggies, this and that. Sick of fast food and prepackaged (though I rarely eat that). I have been turing to fast food these days because its quick and has a lot of cals so I can eat one meal hahahaha Today I have decided to get back on track with my eating. Befor I lost 35lbs eating right, healthy and some exercise. At that time I hit a plateau and didnt know that because my weight has gone down I either had to eat less or exercise more to keep my caloric deficit. Ididnt know that and became depressed and gained going back to college. Now I have been exercising but not eating right. My weight is going down slow… But weight loss is 90% diet (by diet I mean what you eat). Now that I have the help of meds, and have a lot more knowledge I should be able to make it. Just gotta kick my butt into gear! Sheesh! Trail off or what! Alright! Back to cleaning it is for me!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 18, 2011 at 5:20 pm #105438sugargremlin you chew THAT much gum??
WOW, I’ve not chewed gum for decades. I can’t…………. the reason is that a few chews into it, it makes me all hyper. It’s hard to describe, but once the flavor starts to wane and it’s chewed into gum, I get all jittery and feel like I have to stand up and run fast.
Once I trash the gum – I’m reasonably ok again. so I avoid gum of any sort.
Odd, eh?
REPORT ABUSEJuly 19, 2011 at 1:55 am #105439
AnonymousInactiveJuly 19, 2011 at 1:55 amPost count: 14413I got more sleep today, but still cannot tell whether it was more sleep, the med, or just a much easier day as half of my clients were no shows! I like numbers and measuring things. My days at work are so unique that it is so difficult for me to tell what is going wrong or right or find patterns! I’m still so scattered and found myself staring off today. >_<. The only real difference I can see is that I can explain things to people without looking stupid or confused and it is easier for me to organize thoughts. I’m still staring off. still constantly rummaging through my mind to think if I forgot anything.
one odd observation with the meds. I am noticing that I am constantly leaving out entire words when I type. I think this is different for me. really irritating as it slows me down.
a) I am now thinking faster than I can type which is not the case pre-meds (However, I’m actually a rather fast typer).
b) I am doing things more quickly than I am used to in general, so I feel even more scattered because other parts of myself or habitual behavior did not change speed
c) that meds are making my problem worse! (ok probably not related to the other benefits, but I’m an over-thinker like that).
my appetite is definitely crap. I cannot eat much food at one sitting so I am trying to snack throughout the day. I am still getting hungry which was not the case for the first week. Thus, I have hope that side effect will decrease over time. Before the meds, I was actually a borderline healthy weight. I’ve lost a few pounds, making me underweight
. not good for the body. I have a chocolate bar in my fridge that should have been inhaled weeks ago because well…i love chocolate and sugar.
healthy body is definitely a combination of exercise, good food choices, and mental well being. so cannot exclude a variable like good food choices
gum. I have a history of some huge issues with gum. Years ago, I had a phase in which I was chewing 25-30 sticks of gum a day. I normally chew it in a compulsive manner. For me it is about the act and volume, not taste. I prefer gum with longer lasting flavor, but I solve that problem with just throwing a new piece in. Lately, I chew a ton of it when I am trying to concentrate. When I was writing papers last semester, i could easily chew 15. It would be nice if meds could solve this problem for me. It rips up my stomach. Maybe the hyperness was due to all the sugar? I chew sugarless (not that all the artificial sweetners is awesome for you in excessive amounts).
REPORT ABUSEJuly 20, 2011 at 4:17 am #105440
AnonymousInactiveJuly 20, 2011 at 4:17 amPost count: 14413I mopped my floor today! (haven’t done so since October 2010) holy crap! the most intimidating of all chores.. (i live by myself in a wall to wall tiled home).. After all of these mini spurts of cleaning over the last few weeks, my house is pretty close to looking like a ‘normal’ person lives here. no need to pay anyone to clean it!
I had this really irritating event with a fender bender (someone else’s fault, but I forgot to get the right information.. only got a name and phone number then the guy played me and denied the whole incident). I was talking to my insurance company and made sense over the phone (usually nearly impossible for me over the phone in a complex situation).
I did some academic type work without needing gum. Still unsure whether or not I was actually concentrating better because I’m doing it because I like it vs. have to.
I wish I could replicate these results with work! (initial reason why I started looking into ADHD!). at work, my progress is just enough not to lose my job..which is what I wanted..but would be nice for a little.little more. right?
i think the med died.. I have 34 tabs open.. and it is time to start getting ready for bed. lol.