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Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med

Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med2011-07-11T13:03:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med


Post count: 913

what is vyvanse?

I’d like to know about alternatives should Staterra (sp) not work out.

I know – it’s only been 16 days and that’s no real test, but so far, little positive impact that _I_ notice.

The doc says NO STIMULANTS at my age ( he’s afraid of causing risk of heart issues)

In any case, I love to read these threads and learn – about the drugs, impact both positive and negative, alternatives, side effects, and it’s soothing to a degree to see so many (KrazyKat, for just one example) who are SO much like me in so many ways.

I no longer feel “weird”, like there’s something wrong with me, or I’m doing things on purpose.