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Re: apps for add

Re: apps for add2011-07-04T22:35:47+00:00

Post count: 14413

I have recently bought a new android phone….and went through my data allowance within the first few days 🙄 Hmmm. Not good to have internet access in your pocket lol. I have been trying to use the generic apps that come with the phone to help organise things, but it’s taking time to get used to. Mostly I want to get rid of some of the “to do” notes I have lying around everywhere, and it’s certainly helping with that. I have a list of all the payments I need to make, so I can check it when I get paid to ensure I don’t forget anything. I also have a list of things I need to do. I can add and remove things from these lists as I go and they still look neat (unlike my bits of paper with crossing out everywhere).

My diary system works for me, so I probably won’t change that – I have a calendar by the fridge and a pocket size diary that I take with me. I get monthly rosters and when I get one, I write it into my diary then transfer it onto the calendar when I get home, checking that appointments match up as I do so. It took ages to get into the swing of it, but it works now (most of the time!). The family know that if it’s not on the calendar, then I won’t remember it! Remembering birthdays is still beyond me, unless there is an associated party, but appointments and stuff rarely escape my notice now, as the calendar/diary habit has become so ingrained in my life. I must agree that writing things down certainly helps them sink in. But electronic organisers and such certainly have their place too. I love that I can keep all my contact details on my phone without having an address book. And it makes it easy to check weather, and look up directions if I forget to do it before leaving home. I can store books on it, and music. Lots of handy features that I can keep in a pocket.