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Re: apps for add

Re: apps for add2011-07-07T21:29:34+00:00

Post count: 14413


I use http://www.rememberthemilk.com and it’s app for sorting out my to-do lists using a GTD concept. It works great on my android phone and keeps me focused on the things I have to do, I write everything in it, from my calls to do to my long term projects.

I take 10 to 20 mins a day to keep it organized, usually at night so I know what needs to get done the next day, keeps me on track with my bills and sends daily emails with the tasks to do.

You can also write notes next to the tasks to do so I dont have to look for addresses or phone numbers. I have sorted out my folders so that I can tag different tasks so that when i go to lets say my errands folder, or home-depot folder, all the errands tasks that involve home-depot pop up. It avoids me a second or third trip to Home-depot because I forgot the thing I was going in there for…lol. When I go to my Calls folder, all the calls I haveto do are there with the numbers and all, so I make it a point to get done with and to them all at that moment.

It works great, and it’s what keeps me focused on my daily responsibilities.

However, I do not freak out when procrastinating, just try to make it a goal to get the most done. You have to see it as a tool to help you be more productive, the 20 mins It takes to keep it organized is well worth the time I would lose if I didnt have a plan. I couldnt run my business without it.

As long as your app doesnt make you put pressure on yourself, this one has a postpone button for the tasks, I use it shamelessly, because If I did one thing of the list. it’s already more then I would do without it.