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Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer

Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer2011-07-07T02:55:46+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer Re: Balancing life and work for workaholic ADDer


Post count: 14413

pete-puma- i think i get what you’re saying. my productivity is very high, and i am often the “go to girl” and “fix-it person” and the “uber-user” . . . i’m bright and quick and efficient- but it takes a TOLL on me personally. i just changed jobs to try and fix it (and have stayed on-call at my previous job because i can’t let go . . ..) . . . i DON’T know the answer (AT.ALL.) but am also interested in responses to this . . . i’m productive at work (overly efficient and overly productive) but NOTHING ELSE is productive. home life is challenging . . . personal/self care does not quite exist . . . i’m thinking of changing careers . . . (SMILE)