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Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site

Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site2011-07-11T17:31:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site


Post count: 14413

Lol…sounds like you mean hubby is dinged and scratched…hehehe!!! Just my brain reading your comment differently ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, I actually accomplished something this weekend. I knitted a bit more of my daughter’s hoodie. Woohoo!! Now she has enough to warm her belly and one wrist ๐Ÿ™„ And it’s only taken me since January to get this far :? But, I am happy that I managed to get some more done. I have noticed that I spend plenty of time sitting around doing nothing, such as when my daughter is at swimming. I don’t read, because I like to watch her every now and then, which means I cannot concentrate on a book, and it’s not enough time to warrant taking my laptop, so I decided to take my knitting to those sort of places – my in-laws’ house is another good one, because hubby likes to stay forever (well, it feels like it!!) and play games (blah!) and chat (boring). So if I sit and knit, then I have an excuse to not participate (“must get this jumper done before she grows much more”), and by using that excuse, I also have to keep going cos it won’t look good if I am still using the same garment as an excuse next year ๐Ÿ™„ I just have to get myself past the get-the-knitting-out-of-the-bag stage and I do fine. I must admit that I did a typical ADHD thing and had to spend lots of time unpicking the sleeve, as I forgot to check where I was up to and ended up doing the wrong thing for multiple rows. Ugh!!!

Oh well. I have just managed to do another typical ADHD thing and barge into a conversation with something not quite on topic, but it’s nice to chat with you guys and I so couldn’t help myself :D