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Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site

Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site2011-07-02T06:27:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site

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    Post count: 14413

    sugar-gremlin, I hear you.

    I have had to focus on a move and ignore the REALLY BIG dust bunnies that were underneath everything, as well as the dusty, dirty front foyer, overgrown grass, still have an egg splatter on our front window from last March that needs cleaning off, etc etc. When it comes to your profession or business, if you have to do it, I think it takes priority, unless it’s always taking priority, and then that’s something that could be looked at (I am guilty of being a big-time workaholic and am looking at that with my therapist).

    Here’s the site I subscribed to – be prepared for a lot of pop-ups asking you to subscribe or download free books, etc. I’m not promoting her book or her, but I found the tips in the newsletter helpful – but not helpful to the point of actually doing them πŸ™„



    Post count: 14413

    (sugargremlin- email me at live.com. i have tons of questions for you regarding our profession- and your career path!!!) (i promise NOT to harass you about conferences) (hope this is okay to post this on a forum).


    Post count: 14413

    I filled out my file folder box =). 15 unmarked random folders into one neat tabbed box. I probably need another box so everything is less cramped and to put some work resources in, however, i am happy with my box. huge improvement. I also no longer have important papers spread on my dining table. I can no see the bottom of this table and may even eat on it if I so choose.

    My mail tray is actually empty which is amazing. I have no mail I have not dealt with. very rare moment. I looked at it today in triumph.

    up next:

    to get another file box for home and another one for work because this has been very successful

    shower/bathroom clock

    declutter home enough so either I or someone I pay can clean it (this is last)

    smftwo- I’m not sure what the rules are here, but I will send you an email =)


    Post count: 596


    I don’t think the 10 minute thing is so much for organizing, but actual cleaning. Believe it or not it works well for me, partly because of alleviating the boredom I guess. Also I kind of compete with myself to get as much done as possible in those 10 minutes. For someone who is overwhelmed at the thought of even starting something sometimes ( ie me!) it breaks stuff in to more manageable parts Also since you have a list of areas that you are going to clean it’s hard to forget stuff. Although I did use it for organizing my laundry room the other day. I’m not finished completely but I was able to segment the room into doable in 10 minute areas. i only had a time budget of 30 minutes do I was happy to get the project underway although I figure there’s another 2 hours worth of work in there. I find by breaking it down in a project it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.


    Post count: 14413

    I can sit and stare at a wall and think about cleaning for 10 minutes lol. or pick something up..get lost in thought..then bam 15 minutes gone.

    I’m glad you found something that works. =). After all my filing, I can see my dining table now. maybe it will just be gradual? ack..i have no idea why the thought of cleaning is so horrifying and overwhelming to me… I have all day tomorrow..but maybe I’ll buy more organizers instead and declutter a bit more… p..r..o..c..r..a..s..t..i..n..a..t..i..o..n… ugh..i have to go and be somewhere in 30 min.. >_<



    Post count: 596

    Sugargremlin you crack me up :-) I get you don’t like cleaning! Filing is kind of relaxing. You could just keep moving and never clean again :-)

    Have you seen this video?



    Post count: 14413

    lol. I am such a disaster moving. I get so overwhelmed by stuff and get the dreaded “packing OCD”. It is pretty ferocious. I don’t actually have OCD, just when packing. The last time I was determined that it wasn’t going to happen, but it did and with the same intensity, maybe even more. Last move, I used 3 rolls of packing tape and a whole roll of shrink wrap for a single person to move crap 2 miles. I literally ran around the house with the tape gun in frantic circles lol. some friends were helping me move and I chased one down with the tape gun when he tried to take a non taped plastic dresser. I am a special human being =). I’m going to buy some more organizers soon and do a bit more decluttering.

    lol at the video… yeah.. sounds familiar. the things I am about to buy an organizer for are totally less priority than the dirty floor and dust bunny colony, but much more pleasing. Although, the first organizer was a priority due to all the important papers I was misplacing. I do it with school work too. I would do all the easiest stuff first and spend huge amounts of time to find myself rushed and stressed when I had yet to start the bigger things.


    Post count: 14413

    hey sugarg, congrats on finding your dining room table! Mine is still under there somewhere … goal is to clean it off before the end of the summer.

    about moving, my husband made the mistake of not decluttering when we moved from an apt to a house in ’92, it was the perfect time to get rid of stuff but instead it just followed us to our new BIGGER space.


    Post count: 14413

    yup it is glass..so it is really like finding it lol!


    Post count: 14413

    Ours is glass too, I’m so afraid of finding scratches when I clear it off (my husband will be soooo upset)


    Post count: 14413

    I don’t believe in pristine furniture or cars or anything that is used often! Life leaves its little marks.. However, dirt and clutter should probably be cleaned every once and awhile. lol. I do have scratches on mine.. but some of them are from my fellow ADD friend standing on the table while I was moving because he didn’t see it lol.


    Post count: 14413

    My husband always says “it has character” for things that get dinged and scratched. I’m hoping to use that phrase with him!


    Post count: 14413

    Lol…sounds like you mean hubby is dinged and scratched…hehehe!!! Just my brain reading your comment differently πŸ˜‰

    Well, I actually accomplished something this weekend. I knitted a bit more of my daughter’s hoodie. Woohoo!! Now she has enough to warm her belly and one wrist πŸ™„ And it’s only taken me since January to get this far :? But, I am happy that I managed to get some more done. I have noticed that I spend plenty of time sitting around doing nothing, such as when my daughter is at swimming. I don’t read, because I like to watch her every now and then, which means I cannot concentrate on a book, and it’s not enough time to warrant taking my laptop, so I decided to take my knitting to those sort of places – my in-laws’ house is another good one, because hubby likes to stay forever (well, it feels like it!!) and play games (blah!) and chat (boring). So if I sit and knit, then I have an excuse to not participate (“must get this jumper done before she grows much more”), and by using that excuse, I also have to keep going cos it won’t look good if I am still using the same garment as an excuse next year πŸ™„ I just have to get myself past the get-the-knitting-out-of-the-bag stage and I do fine. I must admit that I did a typical ADHD thing and had to spend lots of time unpicking the sleeve, as I forgot to check where I was up to and ended up doing the wrong thing for multiple rows. Ugh!!!

    Oh well. I have just managed to do another typical ADHD thing and barge into a conversation with something not quite on topic, but it’s nice to chat with you guys and I so couldn’t help myself :D


    Post count: 14413

    Great strategy, KrazyKat! I have a friend who knits and says it’s just like meditating (she also meditates), so that is also good for calming and focusing the ADD brain. Who cares if you finish it? It’s the doing that’s important.

    I used to knit back when my grandmother was alive, I used to knit little toques with fluffy balls on top for egg warmers :P I still have one, bright orange!


    Post count: 14413

    Hmm…..am not too sure about the knitting being like meditating! I enjoy planning the item, choosing the wool and imagining what it will look like, and I quite like the beginning of the project, though it goes too slow for my liking. Once I have enough to really see how it’s going to turn out, then I start to lose interest. The knitting process can irritate me too. I am happy to knit when I don’t have to count rows or stitches, but when it comes to increasing and decreasing, then my distractibility works against me too much and I keep losing my place and making mistakes. I then avoid picking it up because I hate the mental effort of working out where I am up to, and then keeping track of it….and of course it gets worse the longer I leave it! I am happy with the hoodie I am knitting now though. It’s done in the round, so front and back are done together, and there is more satisfaction in knowing I don’t have to repeat myself to do both front and back. Also there is not as much increasing and decreasing in the sleeves, which I like, as I can knit round and around without thinking, for the most part. The sleeves are fiddly to start with though, which is why I put it off so long (there’s always a reason to put things off lol). And I actually want to finish something. I hate the thought of my unfinished projects, mostly because they represent my failings, and because they are useless objects until they are finished.

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