The Forums › Forums › Medication › Vyvanse › What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication? › Re: What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication?
I have been putting a lot of thought into my med expectations vs. reality vs. the effort I put into change
reason why I looked into ADD: I have been an excellent student so I never thought I could have this problem and I only thought about it in desperation:
-I started a new career and couldn’t keep up. Doing 6 hours of work in 11.5 hours is not ok or sustainable. I was worried that I was going to lose my job because doing 8 hours of work per shift is required.
so completing an 8 hour day in 11 hours was my entire goal of this medication. However, I started thinking about things, researching, spending time on this forum and started wanting much more than not losing my job!
-not losing the job of course!
-less procrastination
-ability to get myself to clean
-more organization
-less time to spend on tasks.. i swear that everything in the world takes me twice as long!
-less wasting time
-less compulsive behavior (ie. being able to go into a grocery store for less than 2 hours)
-not looking confused and dumb all the time as I cannot explain anything without some thought derailment
day 12 far.. (was taking methyln ER for a month before this, but only for work due to not getting prescribed enough)
-7.5 hours in 11.5 hours. I have confidence that I can soon move this up to 8 and am actually working on changing the schedule. so not losing job is a success. However, kind of bummed that I am still going to be working 11-12 hour days. I hope this can steadily improve. part of my time issues is actually moral (health professional) so ADD meds aren’t going to change that part.
-procrastination still thrives >_<. However, I can do more now if I push it. So moral: ADD meds aren’t going to push me for me
-still don’t want to clean.. but I organized a bit. I discovered I have a glass dining table lol. still petrified bugs on the tile . need to push myself on this and hopefully will feel less tortured when I do.
-i am more quick with tasks. not as much as I would like to be, but I do come from a family stock of slow-moving anxious people.
-definitely less compulsion. i can hold back embarrassing outbursts and went to a grocery store and mostly stuck to a list.
-big improvement in thought derailment and organization of thoughts. I still feel scattered, but I am told that the difference is significant.
so improvements are actually kind of subtle. so much so that I have been spending a lot of time on this forum posting about my progress in order to figure out if it is doing anything at all. Also, I have been interviewing friends and keeping them updated on this whole ADD adventure.