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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-11T16:05:26+00:00

Post count: 596

Hey great idea Carrie,

My goal is to be regular with my FInancial updates. Like maybe every Monday and Friday. I’ve never picked a specific date before so maybe that will work. I am going away tomorrow but will have internet access so I can still download to my computer from the bank so no excuses. But I am behind despite the hasslebot reminders because I ignored them but at least it stayed in the back of my mind and didn’t let my guilty consious ignore it completely. Usually I only schedule a random day so maybe regularity will make it stick! It;s on my list for today anyway so am starting after I hit post here!

Carrie for my Laundry room which also doubles as a utility room, I put hooks for things like brooms,mop, scissors, and misc items and then labeled their spot with a labeling machine. It looks really cool and is a real motivator to put things back in place. I used the scissors at one point while labeling then started to put them down in the folding area but stopped myself and put them where they belonged. Same for my shelves for cleaning supplies and all the other stuff that’s supposed to be there. Just finished the labeling part this morning so won’t know for sure for a while how that works out. But I’m psyched because now my folding area is actually clear of junk! That’s been years since it’s like that. The crazy thing is it wasn’t even a big deal to do this, not as much stuff that didn’t belong there as I thought. Everything was mostly in disorder all over the shelves. So don’t know why I put it off so long!

no_dopamine, another thing that worked for me recently s with a big project I dread, I’ve planned it out and calculated the required time. Then figured how many days I had free and scheduled in two hours at a time or whatever fit in my days. THis way It wasn’t so overwhelming and I didn’t feel so bad stopping and starting because I knew I had already scheduled another session.