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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-11T18:20:42+00:00

Post count: 14413

No_Dop – there is a math disorder that affects time sense, but ADHD also affects it too. I am also shocking at estimating time. I go the opposite of most ADDers and I overestimate time a lot. I always arrive early (unless my son holds me up!) because I think it will take me X amount of time to get somewhere, and I then allow Y more in case traffic is bad, and then add Z for parking, and more again in case I have to walk further than planned. So I end up half an hour early to many things. If the trip is a routine, then I end up refining the timing and get more accurate, though I still tend to arrive a bit early. I also always allow myself an hour to get ready. Always. It was the amount of time my mum allowed us as kids when getting ready for school and it has stuck with me for life. I feel anxious and don’t sleep if I have set my alarm and not allowed the hour, because I worry I won’t fit everything in. Even though I know an hour is much too long for just me (without the kids) to get ready now I am an adult, I have no idea how much time I could cut it back by and still be ready to leave on time.

On the other hand, I do underestimate the time it takes to do something I am procrastinating about, and end up pulling all nighters to get things done, but I don’t know how much of that is because I don’t correctly estimate time and how much is because I waste the time by not using it effectively. Probably both.

Overall, I am not good with time, so I tend not to set time related goals for things if I can help it. But deciding to do 15 minutes of a chore is a good idea. I might have to try that. I normally just do a chore/job until it’s done or I get distracted, and put off what I don’t find time for. But 15 minutes each of a few different chores would make a big difference to our house, but not seem too overwhelming to accomplish.