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Re: Commitment

Re: Commitment2011-07-10T13:17:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Commitment Re: Commitment


Post count: 206

When we were kids we moved constantly. My mother would get tired of a house. Bad experiences always increased the rate at which we moved. My mother, of course, always insisted we were buying up. But the case was the house had just hit it’s expiry date in her mind. DH and I both have expiry dates for a job. When things start to get too routine it was time to head for the door. The challenge is gone. I am going to try to go back to work and see about working for an employment agency. They have a built in period where you only work their days, weeks or months so there is no getting into the rut. We’ll see how that goes. DH has always worked for the Union Hall so his pension is taken care of by them, and he still gets the variety of moving around.

A lot of our parents were raised that it was expected that they would be in the same grind forever. I guess they got ansy that is why they always worked for places that gave a good amount of vacation time so that the more years they worked the more time they spent off work. My father worked for the same company for 35 years. At the end they gave him a cheap knock off watch. He had ruined his health and his hearing, and worked without a raise for 10 years. He was a store manager and had reached the peak salary range. They found they could lure kids away from other work places like chain restaurants and they were willing to work for 20 grand less. But his commitment kept him there. While he saw his employees getting a yearly raise and better working conditions, more vacation time, better benefits he saw his own deteriorating. Finally at 63 when another year passed and the promised raise turned into a 500 dollar lump sum payment he retired. Now he is free to say whatever he wants, and he does. But instead of vacationing or picking up a new hobby, he volunteers. He fills those same hours with a myriad of volunteer duties that would make your head spin. NO time is unscheduled. For no pay. The difference is that these agencies appreciate what he brings to the table. They look at the skill set that he spent his whole working life acquiring as a gift and they tell him how much they enjoy his company. A lot different from a company that told him that he was expected to every opening hour with less employees and time, so he had to work 60 or 70 hours a week himself to make sure someone was always there. Then when he didn’t have time to even schedule a lunch hour little lone the million other things he used to have time to do in the store, his personal rating always took a hit. So I guess the pay off is to his self esteem which had been suffering a stunning series of blows.