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Re: Commitment

Re: Commitment2011-07-10T18:49:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Commitment Re: Commitment


Post count: 529

Its funny you share those links! I have seen that little folding device and wanted to buy it, but then my sister (who is a neat freak) made fun of me and said I could just fold the shirt. That 2nd video I have watched and tried a million times… I still dont like how its not perfectly lined up. That third one, when he folds the sleeve…. It looks all messy! I cant handle that! Thats the one thing that stops and frustrates me. Its not all lined up perfect! I guess that there is a downfall. But it literally stresses me out bad so the odd time I do the laundry husband folds the shirts. Actually he just hangs them up! I think thats what Im going to do. Faster that way too!

My husband and I also split up the dishes. I like to put them away in my own order, but I HATE touching dirty dishes. I dont like getting my hands dirty… Well… its not that I dont like them getting dirty, I just dont like the feel and thought of them. So he loads them and I unload and that works great. I too cant stand a full counter and sink!

You say your husband has ADD, and you do too? How is that working out? I am 100% certain my husband does as well. His brother is diagnosed with it, and he is quite severe. I am certain their mom has it, she fits the bill perfect. My husband does as well. He is more severe than I am. Im kind of in denial that the BOTH of us have it! Does this mean our kids now are doomed to have it? Four of us… all ADD??? My kids are very hyper and jump from this to that, and my daughter is exactly like I was as a kid, always on an adventure in my own little world getting into everything! But they are only 4 and 5 so Im hoping its just their age! Ok… Yeah trailing off is a big deal for me too. I just deleted about 2 paragraphs and things not needed. I am going to be late now for work. I find at least with the meds I am able to pull away where as before I was consumed and doomed!