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Re: Commitment

Re: Commitment2011-07-12T14:06:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Commitment Re: Commitment


Post count: 14413

I agree on the commitment thing. I’m happily married too, but I never really think about it as “death till us part,” or I’m going to be with her for the next 50 years. I just know she’s the one for me.

I do get daunted when I think long term, though. I have a real problem dieting–I can fast for a whole day without preparing, and I can stick to a restrictive diet for a month; but once I start thinking that this is it, I’ll never have another ho-ho again–I lose it. Maybe it’s not commitment, but permanence. Part of my restlessness.

@nellie I completely agree on the goals. My whole life I’ve never really known what I wanted to be. I’ve gone from one thing to the next, focusing on today’s crisis. It’s managed to get me a good career, a wonderful wife and the best dog ever, but none of it was planned. I pretty much went to grad school on a dare; and law school I was following someone else. Scares the bejesus out of me when I think about how lucky I’ve been. People say they’d rather be lucky than good. Not me–luck can run out, being good is more reliable.My friend could’ve decided to join the circus, and I’d be cleaning up elephant crap.

(Reminds me of a saying–the internet is like a herd of elephants with diarrhea: massive, awe-inspiring, impossible to control, and the source of mind boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it.)