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Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise

Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise2011-07-12T18:38:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Totally ADD: No Exercise Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise


Post count: 14413

I am a Child and Adolescent Psychologist and adult with ADHD. I have always used exercise (Martial Arts) and running to help me control my symptoms. I presently teach Martial Arts for 10 hours per week and run 40 miles per week. I run because I have to run. It is my medication. When I don’t run I feel anxious and irritable and I struggle with work completion and staying on task. Running has been the key to my physical and mental health. There are many web sites devoted to running (see running times.com) and they have programs for beginners. If you have ADHD (inattentive or hyperactive type) start running now!