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Totally ADD: No Exercise

Totally ADD: No Exercise2011-07-12T14:36:31+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Just wanted to note how ironic it is that there’s nothing posted on exercise in the ADD Forum. Does anybody have any tips on ways to get exercise? I did Power 90 for a while, and that worked really well, but after the 90 days, I got bored and couldn’t keep it up.

    Does anyone use Wii? Does that help? I just can’t face going to the gym and running on a hamster wheel or lifting pulling a lever to make a weight move up and down.


    Post count: 445

    Pete—You raise an interesting question. You read all the time about needing to exercise for general health, heart, weight, etc. AND… I’ve heard it said that SERIOUS regular exercise (not just 20 minutes a day on the treadmill) can really mitigate the symptoms of ADD. The problem, as you point out, is that daily exercise requires real willpower. And most of us can’t stay with it. My guess is that most ADDers with a Wii keep it in a corner someplace, alongside the barbells and exercise bike. My question would be, does exercise REALLY help with ADD? Or is that largely a myth? And if it is true, how much exercise constitutes the “necessary dosage?” Too, what kind of exercise is more important; aerobic or building muscle mass? Or both?

    Are there by chance any regular marathon runners on this forum?


    Post count: 14413

    for me, exercise must be a recreational activity or I cannot will myself to do it. I love walking, so I get some exercise with long walks and hikes. I like biking, sooo.. because it is so hot here right now, a friend is trying to convince me to go to the gym…but I don’t think that will be happening soon.


    Post count: 14413

    I am a Child and Adolescent Psychologist and adult with ADHD. I have always used exercise (Martial Arts) and running to help me control my symptoms. I presently teach Martial Arts for 10 hours per week and run 40 miles per week. I run because I have to run. It is my medication. When I don’t run I feel anxious and irritable and I struggle with work completion and staying on task. Running has been the key to my physical and mental health. There are many web sites devoted to running (see running times.com) and they have programs for beginners. If you have ADHD (inattentive or hyperactive type) start running now!


    Post count: 529

    I got the Wii fit and its alright. Not much of an exercise. Wii play or sports… I cant remember which one has boxing is AWESOME! Only cause I rock everyone! Thats a good cardio. hahaha But not for long periods of time. Outdoor Challenge is really fun! That keeps your heart going! I am very competitive so I like to play against family members and beat their times and scores. Right now Im looking into Parkour! I dont live in the city… But trees and rocks work! I just think its amazing! I love adventure and have always wanted to just run wild and jump on and over things… I just didnt know it had a name! Parkour!! Another way I exercise is with my Ellipitcal.. But thats more the hamster on a wheel sorta thing.. But I stayed on it for 2hours with my heart rate between 150-165… I had water with me (without water I die with in minutes). I was able to stay for that long because I have a smart phone and I could watch youtube hahahaha I was distracted! 2 hours is waaaaaay too long! I wouldnt suggest that. I have little salt crystals on my face after that. I just wanted to see how long I could go.

    Recently I have begun weight training… I LOVE IT!! Though I cant walk for 2 days after.. But it really works! Plus who doesnt like to prove how much they can lift and how strong they are! I just love to compete, but have no one to keep up with me :(


    Post count: 251

    There seems to be no middle ground with me and exercise; I totally obsess about my fitness routine for about two or three months, then fall with a mighty (and heavy) THUD off the wagon. Sometimes the two are related, since midlife seems to be rife with overuse injuries. :)

    Right now I’m struggling to get back on track, but finding, as I do every summer, with the kids from school it’s nearly impossible to claim fitness time for myself in any remotely regular way. Right now I’m lucky to sneak into the lap lane at the neighborhood pool and get in a few quick back-and-forths before somebody needs a Band-Aid, or snack money, or help finding lost goggles, etc.

    I used to run all the time, but I’ve somehow gotten a pesky iliotibial band irritation that has made running too painful for me. Too bad, because running is heaven for a wandering mind.

    I find that I do best with home video workouts. I like the privacy, the convenience, and the fact that I have a slo-mo and a rewind button when I can’t figure out the moves, which happens frequently. Even lifting weights goes so much better with a video, because the last thing I want to do is keep track of how many reps I’ve done! So much nicer to just heft away and let my mind go until the instructor tells me to stop.

    I definitely have a fairly big video library, because you just can’t do the same workout over and over again. I like to pick two or three and make those my “go-to” workouts of the month, then the next month, choose two or three different ones. It’s amazing how a routine you were once totally sick of suddenly becomes an old friend when you come back to it months later.


    Post count: 14413

    Golly PP….do you mean a thread devoted to exercise or folks singing praise to exercise???? I’ll go with the last one, mostly

    I was fortunate enough to have a full gym where I worked….everyday ….E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y……at lunch that’s where I went for years and years. I turned down lunch invites, corp get-togethers……what ever……everyday five days a week. I can only say for me……it was the best. Relieved stress, not antsy, seriously helped me focus and stay on task not to mention healthy and strong as a horse.

    Weight lifting was my drug of choice…..love it.

    Now I am retired, I don’t lift big anymore…medium and lots of reps…still same benefits….still at least three times a week. I also keep a light set of dumbells in the living room and do some circuits and ab work at night while watchin TV…..nothing real taxing but it all counts.

    So yes I suggest, make it convenient, easy to access….I also have a note on my mirror in the bathroom says “WORKOUT ASSHOLE”….. in case I get off track. i sometimes have to be stern with myself….hahahahaha. If you have trouble getting the addiction going, keep starting and starting and starting…..you might get to love it and miss it eventually. I know if I have to go out to do it…won’t happen….has to be close and easy….for me anyway.

    Physical and mental wellness are closely linked I believe….there sure isn’t a downside. Start… start…. start… and re-start, it’ll come.


    Post count: 11

    I have been dancing (hula and Tahitian) for five years. Classes are twice a week. It is the ONLY exercise I have been able to stick with. What I like about it is that there’s alway something new to learn or a new technique to acquire.

    I have recently started walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day. I haven’t missed the treadmill time for over a month. I watch TV while I walk, particularly documentary or educational shows. I find I retain the information better. I can hardly sit through an entire show, and walking really helps. I don’t get bored with the TV or walking. I walk fast and vary the speed. I may try reading while walking on the treadmill soon. It might help me retain what I read as well. Somehow walking keeps my mind from wandering.

    I always hated the gym, so I never stuck with a membership. I absolutely hated exercise until I found a dance style that I loved. I was lucky that I didn’t need to exercise for weight control. That has changed somewhat in recent years.


    Post count: 14413

    running is heaven for a wandering mind

    I used to do cross-country running in high school (’70s) and now I understand why. I also used to take my mom’s car for a drive in the country at night, no streetlights, it was very calming for me.

    When I do exercise these days, it’s chiqong or yoga.


    Post count: 14413

    I like long walks. There is something soothing about walking, especially somewhere there is few people about. I can stick in my headphones and let my mind wander. I have fairly severe arthritis in my knees, which makes running painful, and therefore stops me doing the many sports which were my exercises of choice when younger, as I loved sports…hockey, softball, tennis, basketball, indoor cricket….I liked that they only went for a season and then it was time to change to the next season’s sport, and I did chop and change my choice of sports each year quite a bit. Shift work stopped the sport, as I couldn’t commit to a regular weekly time for matches, let alone practice, and then my knees began to cause problems. I also used to cycle a lot, and I still have my bike. In the years prior to, and also immediatley following, knee surgery, I struggled to even ride an exercise bike with no resistance, but now I am trying to work my knees up to being able to ride regularly, as my kids would love it if I could, and I need the exercise.


    Post count: 14413

    wow, thanks for the tips and support everyone. I’m too overweight to run now, so running may be a future goal. I will steal shamelessly from toofat. My office has a gym downstairs, and my gym bag constantly mocks me for not going. ADD is really good for divergent thinking. Why can’t I go to the gym?

    • I’ve got calls in the morning
    • I’ve gotta eat lunch before the staff meeting
    • I left my sneakers at home
    • I’ve got a cold
    • got to go on totallyadd.com and post on the forums
    • ooh! Shiny things!

    I am stealing that post-it note though.


    Post count: 14413


    • turn on the answering machine or let someone else take/make the calls
    • eat lunch during the meeting (multi-tasking)
    • run barefoot
    • take a sudafed
    • take a break from the forum (very hard, I’m trying to do this)
    • skip out of work early to go to the Harry Potter new release at the movie theatre next door – oooops, that’s me, total distraction, I want to see all the movies they are showing!


    Post count: 14413

    no_dopamine: Those are my excuses. If you don’t like them, I’ve got more. :)

    Agree on the HP. I love escapism movies too. My wife often wonders aloud how an otherwise intelligent man can be a Michael Bay fan. Transformers 3 was a rambling nonsensical pile of poo, but it gave me a stim fix.

    I do think that the sole purpose of those ticket collectors is to make sure the ADDers don’t wonder off into the wrong movie. Again.


    Post count: 14413

    I love the idea of a ‘motivational’ note Toofat!!

    I have struggled with my weight and exercise most of my life, but I do find that ANYTHING that I do physical brings about a zenlike happiness and focus, so I try to remember that when I drag my feet about exercise. I started out at the gym when I was about 277lbs so I definitely began slow, elliptical machine (good on the knees), walking on the treadmill, even swimming or water aerobics because it was easy on the joints. Once I got more ‘athletic’ I tried to find things that would keep my interest, you know, the downside of being ADHD, doing the SAME cardio over and over nearly killed me. I also tried to find classes that incorporate things that I don’t do on my own. I was never keen on weight training (all of the ‘muscleheads’ in the weight room at my gym both fascinated and TERRIFIED me) so I took classes that incorporated strength training in them. I found a class called STRIKE that combines cardio with a some martial arts moves. The “Group Fitness” program at my gym is awesome because you see all walks of life taking the classes, from the size 2’s to people more my speed. We all sweat it out together and form a twisted masochistic friendship through the class. I found a circuit class that SUCKS, but does the job with cardio and strength and I find that I like the challenge and it keeps me motivated because you never really ‘win’ in the class. As soon as you think it’s going to get easy, it doesn’t, and I ‘treat’ myself with dance oriented classes from time to time as well.

    I find that my concentration and overall mood is improved after something as simple as a brisk 45 minute walk so even if I don’t feel like getting my gym time in, I try to walk or even work outside to get the blood pumping.

    Every day is a challenge, and on days when I’m lazy, I don’t beat myself up. I just do something the next day, or the day after that. You get those endorphins going though and you’ll be hooked.


    Post count: 14413

    Good PP….steal away…. Hey just one more little trick I used to keep me diligent ……it’s nothing really but it was a oh so effective for me….maybe for you too???

    I saw your list…I have one like it and maybe longer in my head…hahhahahahahhaha……I simply AVOIDED it. I did not allow the tape to start playing. I blocked it out completely. So….at 11:50 everyday I got up and out of my chair at my desk, like a robot man….without question, without thought….no list to battle, no excuse to fall back on….I simply got up, grabbed my gym bag went to the elevator on auto-pilot and pushed the 2nd floor button (where the gym was)…..did not think… not once….one foot in-front of the other……into the change room……changed, and started working out. If I was sluggish (it happens from time to time) I went anyway and went through the motions and soon (after a few minutes) I was feeling more energized and before I knew it I was working hard and soon my hour was done!!!!! Wooohooo….

    Side benefit…I didn’t get dozey at 2:30 > 3:00…stayed sharp all day. One whole wheat peanut butter sandwich at my desk after my work-out and an apple…for years (no change, routine)…….protein to feed my bod and fuel me thru the day. Hahahaha….the old no gym bag routine eh…..ready for this, I used to just leave it at work for prolonged periods of time….yup it got a little rich after a while but tuff shit……it’s a gym not a fancy dress ball.

    So go go go PETE…you can do it…I KNOW you can!!!!


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