The Forums › Forums › Tools, Techniques & Treatments › Exercise › Totally ADD: No Exercise › Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise
Golly PP….do you mean a thread devoted to exercise or folks singing praise to exercise???? I’ll go with the last one, mostly
I was fortunate enough to have a full gym where I worked….everyday ….E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y……at lunch that’s where I went for years and years. I turned down lunch invites, corp get-togethers……what ever……everyday five days a week. I can only say for me……it was the best. Relieved stress, not antsy, seriously helped me focus and stay on task not to mention healthy and strong as a horse.
Weight lifting was my drug of choice… it.
Now I am retired, I don’t lift big anymore…medium and lots of reps…still same benefits….still at least three times a week. I also keep a light set of dumbells in the living room and do some circuits and ab work at night while watchin TV…..nothing real taxing but it all counts.
So yes I suggest, make it convenient, easy to access….I also have a note on my mirror in the bathroom says “WORKOUT ASSHOLE”….. in case I get off track. i sometimes have to be stern with myself….hahahahaha. If you have trouble getting the addiction going, keep starting and starting and starting… might get to love it and miss it eventually. I know if I have to go out to do it…won’t happen….has to be close and easy….for me anyway.
Physical and mental wellness are closely linked I believe….there sure isn’t a downside. Start… start…. start… and re-start, it’ll come.