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Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise

Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise2011-07-13T03:07:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Totally ADD: No Exercise Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise


Post count: 11

I have been dancing (hula and Tahitian) for five years. Classes are twice a week. It is the ONLY exercise I have been able to stick with. What I like about it is that there’s alway something new to learn or a new technique to acquire.

I have recently started walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day. I haven’t missed the treadmill time for over a month. I watch TV while I walk, particularly documentary or educational shows. I find I retain the information better. I can hardly sit through an entire show, and walking really helps. I don’t get bored with the TV or walking. I walk fast and vary the speed. I may try reading while walking on the treadmill soon. It might help me retain what I read as well. Somehow walking keeps my mind from wandering.

I always hated the gym, so I never stuck with a membership. I absolutely hated exercise until I found a dance style that I loved. I was lucky that I didn’t need to exercise for weight control. That has changed somewhat in recent years.