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Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.

Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.2011-07-14T21:21:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income. Re: I keep imagining what would have happened without my parents income.


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I haven’t had to work during the majority of my bachelors and grad school courses. When I did, they were only 12 hours a week etc. I did get a lot of scholarships, but I have lived off of those and the ample college fund given to me by my grandmother. I have no debt. My parents gave me their old cars and still pay my health insurance. I’m not sure I would have been able to balance work and school. I was just diagnosed with ADD inattentive as well. I got help because I was falling far behind time wise in my new career.

Sometimes I feel guilty about how I’ve been so fortunate to have all that support. However, at the end of the day, rather than beat myself up for being fortunate, I feel grateful. All the world can ask of me is that I do the best I can, be grateful for the luxuries I do have, and try and give back to the world.

Perhaps, at this point in your life, it is time to consider treatment options. Medication combined with therapy/life coaching/ADHD coaching/practicing ADHD life organization strategies. I’m finding out that doing both is imperative.

overcome, be grateful, but do not beat yourself up!!!!!!