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Re: What to do with my life?

Re: What to do with my life?2011-07-27T12:11:01+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling What to do with my life? Re: What to do with my life?


Post count: 169

Many of us are or have been in the same boat, MrJK. Unfinished, dropped hobby projects, constant career changes, etc. Trying new things is unfortunately one of the few guaranteed ways to evaluate whether one has a passion for something. With ADHD passions are often fleeting, not sustained once they become repetitive.

The sad truth is that your job need not be your outlook for your creativity. It is certainly more enjoyable and healthier for the mind when it is, but hobbies and other activities can provide stimulation. One key ingredient to enjoyable workplaces is a challenge and ADHD people often love a challenge, provided they are left to come to a solution on their own terms. The latter part is important as it allows freedom to be creative, even in an office environment.

I feel for your situation as I often feel that I have not yet found my TRUE calling professionally yet. However, I do find things about my job that I can focus on that are stimulating. There will always be aspects of any job that we don’t care for that take us away from the tasks we do love. Either we farm those out to someone else or just bite the bullet and get them over with to get back to what we actually enjoy doing.

Also, in most situations there is no ONE TRUE CALLING, but a range of appealing jobs, which will change over time as we develop new interests or move tangentially away from the original one.

Good luck and keep us posted on your hunt for ideal employment.