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Re: The High-Five Corner

Re: The High-Five Corner2011-10-17T23:41:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved The High-Five Corner Re: The High-Five Corner


Post count: 53

I remembered my weekend to-do list and today’s to-do list with out having to write 5 million post its (then loosing them all), facebooking, texting, emailing myself or getting my husband to remind me!

But I think the biggest high five should go for the fact that I finally accepted myself for the scatterbrain that I am at 28 years old yes it took a while and am actually for the first time ever truly happy with myself! Despite, no including the fact that I locked my keys in my car while it was running last week 😯 and can never answer when my husband asks me where I put something and at work can never remember if i’ve done something already or not! Pretty frustrating and embarassing but I’m embrassing it! :D

Yay me!