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Re: The joy of school…

Re: The joy of school…2011-10-19T18:01:40+00:00

Post count: 14413

My 14 year old son has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and has discovered that some teachers still do not understand the disorder and get cross with him for things that are beyond his control. Even though he has a very detailed medical file which has a couple of good articles about ADHD, and my list of what helps him the most (such as being offered a chance to work somewhere quiet for a while if he is struggling to focus). Medication has helped, but there are days when he forgets to take it, as well as days when things are too busy and the drugs are fighting a losing battle to keep up. Most teachers have been pretty understanding, even if they don’t quite have a handle on what it is really like to have ADHD, but there is always one that seems to believe that it’s just an excuse for stuffing around and being lazy.