The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › Venting! › Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me. › Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.
I honestly hope venting as such has made you feel better, but success does not come from just positive thinking, or the force within. It is more then that. It is a combination of a lot of factors, all individual to each person. Ironically, as much as I am sure you would not want to be tagged with a disfunction, you are yourself tagging successfull adders for being able to achieve something you obviously have not.
I could hate and vent on all ball players for they’re 25 million $ contracts but the fact of the matter is I did not have the same opportunities, nor the same talent, nor the same will, and perhaps even just not the same determination and passion….with or without ADD. Seing the glass half full and being positive will still not make me hit the fences, but I will tell you one thing, it will sure help me give it my best shot.
You would obviously not relate to me for the reasons you mentioned in your post. Yet I find it verry sad that you can judge me by my income or profession without knowing what type of ordeal my life is. Without knowing the challenges I face on a daily basis. And by that I dont mean the challenge of not loosing my god given success check on my way to the bank…..but on the simnplest issues of life,,, the same damn issues every ADDer goes through.
I for one dont believe a disfunction is an excuse for faillure, even if I have failled many times, and am not the one to use it as a bragging tag for my successes either.
Just my 2 cents