The Forums › Forums › Tools, Techniques & Treatments › GOOD DIET THE add DIET PLAN › Re: GOOD DIET THE add DIET PLAN
Hi Tea….yes,well, kind of……..I agree with most everything they are telling you on that diet. I read the outline, looks right on….couldn’t listen to the Vid..too long!!
I guess it is so natural to me to eat that way……I really don’t understand why anybody would eat any other way…..unless they were trying to commit suicide s-l-o-w-l-y…….???? Sorry, that was uncalled for…..devil made me do it!!!
Tea I do eat like that, I do eat fish and yes I do take wild Salmon Oils daily as well as well as many other supplements. I know the mercury thing (in fish) is not good but, it still is better anything else around….( lesser of two evils).
I don’t use meds, I am not anywhere close to being over weight, I work out all the time (have for 30 years). All my buddies are just (just) in their 40s…… I’m 20 years older than that, folks my age don’t seem to be able to keep up, they have lost interest in life. I attribute all of my good fortune in those areas to eating clean “natural” foods…..staying away from junk, and food they tell you to stay away from in that list….. and the working out. I eat almost nothing packaged at all…ever!!! I can’t forget my head/heart is a huge factor in all this too, but….. that is another story.
I highly recommend it to anybody ADD or otherwise…take control, “serious control” of what you eat….eat for life and health….what else is there???? To me any other ingestion is hmmmmmm…..crazy, lazy or stupid……..hey haven’t I read that somewhere????
Also I suggest stay away from feedlot food………anything grown or matured in a feedlot is just a walking chemistry set……cancer in the waiting. Rant rant…..