The Forums › Forums › The Workplace › Self-Employment › Small bussiness owner loophole?! › Re: Small bussiness owner loophole?!
As far as the math goes, I was an insurance agent for awhile and I could sit down and do 200 calls in a day depending on how many people I would actually talk to. More talking = fewer calls but more money since I got a percent of each sale. In your situation you, depending on how much time you spend on each call, could make some nice money where you are. The field agent spends a lot of time out in the field “hunting” people. Your plan sounds like a winner as far as the number of people you talk to. Wether or not you persue the agent job should depend more on how much you like to talk to people face to face and how comfortable you are in crowds. If I were you I would go to some of these events as you discribed them and see how close you get to the event and the people going in and out. Security may prevent the senerio you discribe and again there may not be any security and you can talk to as many people as you want. It may help you make your decision.