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Re: coach or parrasite .. how do i find out short of buying in?

Re: coach or parrasite .. how do i find out short of buying in?2012-02-25T02:47:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Alternative Therapies coach or parrasite .. how do i find out short of buying in? Re: coach or parrasite .. how do i find out short of buying in?


Post count: 285

Thanks for starting this thread Tea – I was wondering the same myself. I’m willing to invest in myself and try coaching, but I don’t want to get taken for a ride.

An ADD specialist who does coaching and counseling just moved to our town from a large metro area, and I can see all kinds of great reviews about him online (not on his own site). I’m going to meet with him next week. I’ll let you guys know if I learn anything from the process.

I’ve tried some regular counselors, but I think they were the “basic” type that toofat mentioned. sdwa – great information – there’s no CHADD in my area, but I’m going to check out that video.

-munchkin 2/24/12 (or is it 2/23?) haha