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Re: JUST got hired, JUST got medicated, JUST got PREGNANT?!?!?!

Re: JUST got hired, JUST got medicated, JUST got PREGNANT?!?!?!2012-02-26T23:57:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community JUST got hired, JUST got medicated, JUST got PREGNANT?!?!?! Re: JUST got hired, JUST got medicated, JUST got PREGNANT?!?!?!


Post count: 1096

Wow Tdevonner I don’t know whether to say congratulations or OMG or both! I’m sensing it isn’t great timing but then the best things often pop up unexpectedly.

I have no idea what you can take when pregnant and what you can’t. I think the meds are a bigger issue when breast feeding rather than now….but I have no idea. You have to get professional advice.

I just didn’t want your post to go unanswered because it’s such big life changing news for you. :-)