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Re: Finally it all makes sense, and I knew it already…

Re: Finally it all makes sense, and I knew it already…2012-06-21T00:03:42+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Finally it all makes sense, and I knew it already… Re: Finally it all makes sense, and I knew it already…


Post count: 929

FINE = fouled up, insecure, neurotic and emotional. Just in case a few of you guys didn’t know that one.

It’s good to see people with ADHD willing to take on meditation. Anyone with a busy mind can be helped from meditation. There are plenty of great books too. We can find a way to taylor some of the different approaches to meditation to our ADD/ADHD brains. It’s a wonderful thing to have an open mind about this.

Be here now (wherever it is you’re at…) That’s meditation in the simplest language. Possible the smartest way for me to practice it. Maybe you too.

My first book on Meditation was by a Hindu named Eknath Eswaran, simply called “Meditation” He told a story about how a mantra works. In India they have had parades with elephants for years n years. At first there was a problem with the elephant helping itself to fruit and vegetable carts along the way. So they gave it a big log to carry. The trunk was busy, so it left peoples food alone. Our minds imagination is like the trunk, but we’re in charge of the mind/trunk. Give our mind a mantra, it will stray, gently allow the distraction to come and go, fighting it is not always the best solution. Instead, allow it to exist, not fighting it is the same as not encouraging it. Or letting it have any more of your attention than it has already taken. Dismiss it. Gently bring the mind back to your mantra.

Check out Dr. Jain blogs on “Mantra Words”. They’re great.

There are many approaches to meditation. I don’t always have to be sitting Indian style to do it correctly. It’s important to remember that the results come very slowly, so not giving up helps tons. It’s a lot of work taming our ADHD brain. It’s not failure if this becomes too frustrating and you decide to take a break. This is just one of many tools we use here.

Thanks for reminding me to pick back up one of the best spiritual tools I’ve been able to use on my road of happy destiny. The problems I’ve been faced with lately could have been less painful if I remembered to be more committed to meditation every morning.

I have been helped yet again just by coming to this site. Thanks gang.

Keep coming back David, this place works too :-)
