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Re: It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)

Re: It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)2012-08-21T20:13:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason) Re: It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)


Post count: 229

Also, I think part of the issue is this sense of authority that doctors have over their patients. In my case, at least, it has kept me from speaking up when I have felt like the doctor wasn’t hearing me. In many cases, I would take their diagnosis, and take the medication, sometimes to my severe detriment. In other, better cases, I would slink off to another doctor who seemed to have more insight to me and my problem(s).

Never have I spoken up and said, “Well, no, that doesn’t feel right. I’m not connecting to or recognizing what you’re saying.” Because who am I? They’re the one with the degree, the years and years of study, and I’ve only read, well, a couple books (and performed thousands of Google searches, but…..nevermind that).

Certainly have I never stood up, pronounced, “No, sir. You are incorrect.”, grabbed the nearest umbrella and proceeded to beat the doctor about the head.

Barring that, though, there’s got to be something that can be done.