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Re: Deleted this post, not sure how to remove entirely. sorry.

Re: Deleted this post, not sure how to remove entirely. sorry.2012-11-05T06:40:37+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Addictions/Self Medicating Deleted this post, not sure how to remove entirely. sorry. Re: Deleted this post, not sure how to remove entirely. sorry.


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Hmm, you’re something of an authority on animals eh, Mr.Banana? Do they have miscarriages too? Do you think that they commit suicide? How much roadkill conceals this possible scourge do you think? What sort of dogs do you have, and is your cat a pedigree or a moggy? I had a labrador puppy years ago…she was so cute, and her name was pacman. I lost her in a custody battle with an ex g/f… :(