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Re: Is it just me… Weird phobias.

Re: Is it just me… Weird phobias.2012-11-02T07:48:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is it just me… Weird phobias. Re: Is it just me… Weird phobias.


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Ugh, that spider is bloody hideous…*shudder*…I thought of another big phobia of mine today and meant to post it, but I’ve forgotten the ruddy thing. It will come back to me later… 8)

I don’t like parties either. I head for the corner and try to avoid people as much as I can…talking to people turns me into a zombie or something because I’m trying so hard to not upset anybody, but I invariably end up offending, or scaring, or creeping somebody out if I get a bit intense when somebody finds themselves stuck near me…