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Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?

Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?2013-10-17T19:41:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened? Reply To: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?


Post count: 158

@blackdog @billd — I also enter dream-state before/as I am falling asleep. I did a sleep study…but didn’t finish the paperwork. I assume nothing came of it, but perhaps I will ask my doc. This “ability” sure made morning psych classes interesting, all those years ago. Wide awake before class, people-watching. Taking notes as the prof went on, fighting sleepiness while continuing to take notes. Problem was, I would slip into dream state and boy, did those lectures turn strange. My only disappointment was that my writing ability disappeared once the dreaming began. Instead of copious, bizarre notes, all I got was a bumpy blue line fading to a dot of drool. 😀