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Reply To: What do you all think about Mark Patey?

Reply To: What do you all think about Mark Patey?2013-12-02T19:47:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Playing to Your Strengths What do you all think about Mark Patey? Reply To: What do you all think about Mark Patey?


Post count: 906

I don’t much care for motivational speakers either.  It’s like CBT. All that “turn your frown upside down” stuff makes me cringe.

But sometimes it’s okay to have a little boost from someone enthusiastic and upbeat. As long as you temper it with a dose of reality.

As for being anti-medication, that’s a personal choice. I was very anti-stimulant at one time myself. Now I can’t wait to get my prescription for Vyvanse. Counting down the days….