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Reply To: Thoughts on being diagnosed as an adult woman in Sweden.

Reply To: Thoughts on being diagnosed as an adult woman in Sweden.2014-03-14T06:21:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Thoughts on being diagnosed as an adult woman in Sweden. Reply To: Thoughts on being diagnosed as an adult woman in Sweden.


Post count: 29

So, we are three, possibly four, raving lunatic leftie commies in this little forum. Awesomeness!

Sweden is about to blow up, lemme tell you! Last weekend, a bunch of nazis were waiting for a couple of people who had been to a 8th of March-celebration, and attacked them with knives. One of the men attacked is still in a coma in hospital. The police, government and media are calling it a brawl, and not attempted murder. Media is going crazy rapporting about violence from the left, when what happened is the exact opposite.

People all over the world are sending their best wishes to him, which is good to see: https://www.facebook.com/kaempakamrater?fref=ts

A new feminist party, F!; is getting new members like crazy. I believe things are about to change here, people are waking up.