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Reply To: Quit my last job demoralized, and scared to start a new one

Reply To: Quit my last job demoralized, and scared to start a new one2014-08-10T10:06:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared Quit my last job demoralized, and scared to start a new one Reply To: Quit my last job demoralized, and scared to start a new one


Post count: 119


I always think it’s important to look at repeating issues. Are we handling the situation in a familiar way. You know, are we trying to solve the problem whether it’s work, relationships, exercise, sleep etc. using the same methods that we’ve used before. Methods that bring us right back around to the same problems, over and over again. I think we have to break the cycle some way. Sometimes it takes us a while to see the pattern (us ADDrs can be a little hard-headed).

For myself I can usually identify a  pattern because it is accompanied by some sort of self-flagelation. The most common of which come from my INNER JUDGE  i.e. “Work Harder”, “No Breaks for You”, “They Can Do It so Why Can’t You”, “Go to PIP until you get it right, take your lumps for not measuring up”(maybe one of yours), you get the idea.

Medicine, life-hacks, education, meditation, mindfulness, therapist, coaches, are all things we can use to help us get to a better place. They can help us get clarity about our life and offer us the opportunity to come up with new strategies to handle the issues we face. As I’m finding out though it usually doesn’t amount to much without some sort of coarse adjustment that I haven’t made before. Sometimes the coarse adjustment is simply allowing yourself the time to partake in the things mentioned above instead of relegating them to the “when I’ve got time” file.

I guess, just don’t beat yourself up so much and you might be surprised what happens next.

Thanks for sharing. As always I usually walk away from a post feeling a bit guilty for how much I’ve gotten from the others sharing.

Wish you the best. Keep us in-the-know.