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Reply To: I am tired of feeling alone.

Reply To: I am tired of feeling alone.2018-01-06T23:38:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I am tired of feeling alone. Reply To: I am tired of feeling alone.


Post count: 60

Hi Mika, I can relate and I thank you for putting your struggle so well into words. I feel like an oddball all of the time and feel much depression/anxiety/social isolation. The communication problems I experience daily are endless and my restlessness and search for belonging too. I joined an online bbok club on goodreads so if you want to join https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/18975-readers-with-add-adhd here it is. I don’t know if you live near Hamilton, Ont. but there is a live support group if you can make it, it might be helpful https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/adhdok-adult-adhd-in-hamilton-4298009931 I wish I could help more but I feel like I’m falling through the cracks too. I can’t find any specialists and I’m tired of defending myself all the time. Chat me up anytime. P.S. this website is undergoing construction for awhile and it’s annoying 🙂 Cathy