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Reply To: ADHD/non verbal 40 yr old single father

Reply To: ADHD/non verbal 40 yr old single father2018-01-15T05:06:53+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job ADHD/non verbal 40 yr old single father Reply To: ADHD/non verbal 40 yr old single father


That Guy with ADHD
Post count: 123

There are many people, including my wife, who do not understand the difficulties associated with having uncontrolled ADHD and will deny it even exsists claiming we are hiding behind a fake diagnosis. This is not something we can “Pull up our socks” to fix. It takes time… A long time, effort, and money. Unfortunately when your partner is at the end of their rope time isn’t something you have, money eludes me, and procrastination seems to trump effort. While I don’t want to disolve my relationship I can’t help but think of the problems I have created in our marriage. Honestly if you think of the things you did, or didn’t do, due to your ADHD you can understand your partners frustration. I don’t want my wife to suffer through any more of it. Unless I can discover a way to curb the more problematic symptoms soon I will have to agree to the permanent end to the marriage. Fortunately for me my wife and I get along O.K. as friends so I still will have that.

The challenges we face are real.

You can’t change their minds about ADHD. They have to do that themselves.
