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Reply To: Never ending ADD humor

Reply To: Never ending ADD humor2018-10-26T20:48:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Never ending ADD humor Reply To: Never ending ADD humor


Post count: 1

Every time I leave my on campus job to go class, I always forget something and have to rush back to grab it before my class. It’s become a bit of a joke among my coworkers but the other day I actually took someone else’s backpack instead of my own! I didn’t even realize it wasn’t mine until I got to class, opened it up to get my biology notebook, and there was someone else stuff. I even thought as I was on my way to class, “hm why is my backpack so heavy? I only have two notebooks and my chromebook in there?” Everyone has very similar black backpacks though so it’s not all my fault lol.