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Reply To: ADD and Fibromyalgia – came across a website

Reply To: ADD and Fibromyalgia – came across a website2019-06-30T10:02:56+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Co-morbidities/Secondary Disorders ADD and Fibromyalgia – came across a website Reply To: ADD and Fibromyalgia – came across a website


Post count: 3

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the 1990s, got sertralin, because I also developed a depression; found out about adhd in 2000 and was finally diagnosed in 2016 and got ritalin adult. With sertralin and ritalin the pain got less and my depession is better under control. A couple of months ago I tried to reduce my sertralin dosis to 1/2, but after two weeks my pain increased so much, that I had to go back to the full dosis.
